I have been in the professional carpet and upholstery cleaning industry for over ten years and I have seen it all. Milk, blood, and mud, you name it I have cleaned it.

There are many products you can pick up at the local Walmart or grocery store that work great. The only problem is that they are usually vague about the use of the product.

Well I can make your life a little easier by suggesting some more safe and color safe ways to clean it up.

First thing to know is that if you have a red stain on any thing, please do not try to get it out your self. Leave that one to a pro. There are procedures and very effective solutions that your local carpet cleaning company can use and save you from ruining your investments. Remember that red is the hardest stain to remove except for the carpet cleaner. He is trained and equipped to remove them safely.

Now for every thing else there is an effective and cheap way to clean spots on your carpet and upholstery. If you are buying products that work for you then you are not reading this now so let me tell you what works.

Go to your local Auto Zone or auto parts store and pick up auto upholstery and carpet cleaner in the can. Tuff Stuff is one of my favorites. The cleaners that come in the can are almost all foaming cleaners, which make your job a lot easier. The foam will penetrate the fibers on contact and as it foams it releases and suspends the soils and stains. You may need to gently scrub the areas with a soft bristled brush or towel.

TIP: Only use white rags or towels when cleaning carpet and upholstery to reduce the risk of color transfer.

TIP 2: You can use these foaming cleaners to clean entire upholstery (sofa, chair, ottoman, etc… even if it states dry clean only.

TIP 3: Always test product first on a hidden area to save your self embarrassment. You know, just in case.

TIP 4: If you need a pro or more info go to my site (see byline) for more help.

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