Becoming an expert in furniture rearrangement because you have an ink carpet stain is not the way to go. Ink removal from carpet can be difficult at times but it is worth it to get your carpet looking fresh and new again.

These next few steps will show you how to remove ink from carpet without having to go extremes to do it. One of the first things that you should do is clean up an ink stain the moment that it happens. Leaving the ink to dry in will mean a big headache at a later time.

Always attack the stain immediately and head on.

Remove ink from carpet by starting on a small and hard to spot piece so that you can test any solution before applying it to a large area. If the solution causes damage, it is best that it happen on a spot that is unseen that a large area in the open.

Daub the area of the ink stain with a piece of paper towel or clean cloth and rags. This will allow them to suck up any left over ink. You can also begin to remove the ink from your carpet by using a spoon that is round to scrape away any excess.

In this next step, you will want to use a solution that is not harsh. This will cause the least amount of damage to your carpets when trying to remove ink from carpet. Get a small glass of milk and apply it to the ink stain. Use a small toothbrush or a tiny regular cleaning brush and begin scrubbing the area. When the carpet looks like it is getting clean, repeat each process until all of the ink has been removed. Once you are sure that the milk and brush solution is not removing the ink stain, move on and try the next steps.

The next tip that you can use is a solution of a ½ cup of water that is lukewarm and a teaspoon of rubbing alcohol (isopropyl). Stir the solution and make sure that it is completely mixed before you proceed. Soak a clean cloth in the mixture and daub the ink stain. Never let the mixtures soak completely into the carpet fibers as it causes damage to the back of it.

Get a wet towel or cloth and use it to remove any left over rubbing alcohol. Keep repeating the process to remove the ink completely. Another tip that you can try if the previous one did not work is a mild soap solution of dish washing liquid. Apply the liquid and then rub it in until it goes deep through the fibers. A toothbrush and a small regular brush are ideal to rub it in. Use a wet piece of towel to pick up the excess dishwashing liquid. Soak the areas with a clean clothe and then repeat the steps to finish up.

One final step that can be used to remove all of the ink involved a mixture of hydrogen peroxide. A solution of 3 percent can be used to get rid of stains on your carpets. After you apply the peroxide, leave it to soak for 1 ½ hours at least. After the wait, get a paper towel or clothe that is wet and use it to daub the ink stain. You can keep repeating the steps until the ink has finally been removed.

Once you have tried each step and you can still see the ink stain very easily, you may want to consult a professional to get your carpets cleaned by an expert.

Tag : carpet,carpet cleaning,discount carpet,carpet tiles,carpet installer


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