Cleaning a wool carpet takes care and attention, in fact just as much care and attention as you would use when washing your real wool garments. Wool is without a doubt the best type of carpet to have in any home, providing many advantages over synthetic alternatives.

Such carpets are not only the most expensive of any kind of carpet you could buy, but as with anything, you also get what you pay for. They have an outstanding natural ability to resist wear and tear, and the ability to resist most stains far better than any synthetic material.

Wool is a luxurious fiber because it is natural, but also because it is soft. However, as with the vast majority of natural fibers, wool has its own particular weaknesses when it comes to cleaning materials, and you have to be careful what you use if you want to maintain your wool carpet properly.

Cleaning a wool carpet is quite different to that of carpets fashioned from synthetic fibers such as nylon, and if you have built up a collection of cleaning solutions for synthetic fiber carpets, you would do well to discard them immediately. Most carpet cleaners will be either too acidic or too alkaline to use on wool. Any cleaning solution for a wool carpet should have a pH value as close to neutral as possible, otherwise it could well cause the wool fabric to break down and dissolve, or at the very least lose its natural softness and become severely discoloured.

The best method of helping to keep a wool carpet clean is to regularly vacuum it, since the wool will resist most stains and dirt for a short while. Whereas with most carpets perhaps weekly vacuuming is perfectly acceptable, wool carpets need to be vacuumed a minimum of three times a week, although it is preferable to vacuum daily in order to make sure that your carpet remains in the best condition.

Should your carpet suffer a spill or spot then it is important to act as quickly as possible. Use an absorbent cloth and dilute the spill using water. Wool is absorbent and so it is important not to use too much water. For best results use a solution which is three parts water to one part vinegar. This slightly acidic solution will not harm your carpet, but it will help to dilute the stain and at the same time will help to keep the wool soft.

Never scrub a stain on a wool carpet as this will almost certainly break down the fibres, which will result in your carpet becoming fuzzy. Never become too eager to use too much liquid as over-wetting a wool carpet can result in discoloration, causing a yellow or brown tinge to appear.

Always lift spots and stains immediately using a ph neutral cleaning solution or a vinegar and water mixture. Vacuum your wool carpet at least every day or every other day and it is important to make sure that once a year, or at least every 18 months, you use a professional carpet cleaner who is able to use methods, which are safe for cleaning wool carpets.

This should involve any of the several wool safe dry cleaning methods. By using a professional dry cleaner, you will help to ensure the longevity of your carpet, and guard against any possible damage to the fibres and unnecessary wetting, which could also cause discoloration.

Wool carpets are the first choice for many homes, at least for those who can afford the expense. Naturally resistant to fire, they are not only extremely comfortable and attractive but also add a significant level of safety. Able to absorb a tremendous amount of moisture they can help to keep the humidity in your home down to a minimum. Wool will almost certainly outlive any synthetic carpet material, and if cared for properly will continue to look and feel in an excellent condition for many, many years.

However, in order to achieve this longevity it is important to follow the above advice for cleaning and caring for your wool carpet. Remember, never use traditional carpet cleaning detergents, never over-wet your carpet, and never scrub it. With regular vacuum cleaning, and annual dry-cleaning, your wool carpet should prove to be the best value for money.

Cleaning wool carpets is neither simple nor as quick as for most other types of carpet, but if done properly your wool carpet will reward the care and attention you give it with many years of faithful and hardwearing service. They are both beautiful and functional.

Tag : carpet,carpet cleaning,wool carpet,empire carpet

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1 Comment:

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