Once you find a stain you are left with the often less than pleasant task of deciding what to do next. The good news is that there are many carpet cleaning services that are available to the consumers of today. This is also the bad news too. With so many options, how do you choose exactly which service will best serve your carpet cleaning needs?
Some carpet cleaning services offer basic shampooing packages. This is where they come in and apply a chemical cleaning solution to your floor and then scrub the floor clean with a special floor cleaning machine or carpet shampooing machine which removes the solution and moisture from your carpet. This generally leaves your carpet looking nice and clean. This is a great temporary fix for carpet problems they do however tend to come back in time. You should take caution with this type of service to at least find out which chemicals they are using and any potential damage they may have to the fibers of your carpet.
Dry Cleaning Your Carpet
Carpet cleaning services that offer dry cleaning are certainly becoming popular alternatives. The serviceman will spread a powdery substance over your floors then use his carpet cleaning machine to work it through and then suck it out, along with any dirt or stains. Foam is another form of almost dry carpet cleaning where the carpet is shampooed with foam only, then vacuumed on drying. It is a common school of thought that carpet cleaning services who use wet, shampooing techniques actually damage the carpet over time, encouraging rotting and decay of underlay and contributing to future mold growth.
The Bonnet Method For Carpet Cleaning
Most businesses and large industries choose a carpet cleaning service that offers the Bonnet method. The Bonnet method uses steam from highly heated water with specialized detergent to more thoroughly and deeply clean the carpet, followed by sucking up the moisture and product, as well as any dirt. The heat of the steam makes stains and grime dissolve more easily, and it also has a great sanitizing effect as well.
The intention when choosing a carpet cleaning service provider is to ensure the life of the carpet is prolonged as much as possible. Always ask what type of cleaning is being offered, and only go with a method that you have confidence in and trust for use on your carpet. The cheapest method is usually the nastiest, and even though the floors might look fantastic immediately afterwards, prolonged application of some products and machines that use water can cause real damage to the carpet you treasure in your home.