When you have carpet, after a while it becomes difficult to keep it clean, using the traditional tools such as brooms and vacuums. When it becomes impossible for you to get your carpet cleaned, you may have to start searching for the best carpet cleaning company that you can afford to hire. There are many DIY solutions and products that a homeowner may use to clean their own carpets but choosing a professional carpet cleaner should be a top priority.
- How to Choose?
Due to the fact that most of us have carpets in one or more rooms in our homes, you should start your search for the best carpet cleaners by asking family and friends to give you a reference for a cleaner that they themselves have previously hired.
A great review from someone you know and trust is a great way to find home carpet cleaners who have done a good job in the past. If you have asked around and no one seems to be able to point you towards a cleaner, you can request that the professional carpet cleaning company furnish you with a reference or review from previous clients. A good company will have a list of happy customers for you to look at and you can also check with the Better Business Bureau to see the history of a specific company.
You may want to avoid using a professional carpet cleaning who solicits your business on the telephone or a company who goes door to door trying to drum up business. A company who sets their price on a per room basis is also a home carpet cleaner company that you should be skeptical about, because different homes will have rooms that differ in shapes and size. A reputable professional carpet cleaning company will charge you for the entire area that will be cleaned.
A few carpet cleaning professionals will list the name brand cleaners that they use but you should be aware that just because they use these cleaners, you cannot assume that they are endorsed by or have a partnership with these brand name cleaners.
Once you have contacted a carpet cleaning company, you should have them visit your home to physically check the area that needs to be cleaned. You should never accept an estimate that a company gives you via email or a phone call.
A professional should be at your home to see how much cleaning your carpets need and to let you know if other areas might be in need of a good professional cleaning. The representative of the cleaning company should then write out an agreement, detailing all the work that will done and you should only be charged extra in extreme cases.
- Setup an Interview
After you have selected a few companies, you should then setup an interview with each of them. Make a list of questions that you would like to ask during the interview. You should ask them these questions or ones that are similar.
How many years have your company been in business? Depending on the answer to this question, you can learn a lot about how reputable the company is and how much experience they have with carpet cleaning.
What kind and how much training are management officials and cleaning technicians required to have?
A cleaning company that is serious about doing a good job and having a great reputation will require that their workers are educated and certified from top organization and companies. They will also ensure that employees continue to be educated so that they always know the best ways to clean different carpets and stains.
What are your base prices and what techniques require extra charges? Can you tell the prices of each service that you offer?
For your soiled carpet, what techniques will be used to get it looking and smelling new again? There are many techniques that can be applied to your carpet stains, so ask the technician, what the best method to apply is.
If you have furniture that will need to be moved, ask the technician who will have to move them and do they apply extra charges if they move the furniture themselves.
- Get the Best Carpet Cleaners Contract
Before you let the cleaning company into your home to get started on the job, you should always sign a contract so that you have all their charges and promises in writing. This written promise can also be a simple invoice but it should list the full price that you will be charged.
Scan the document so that you can spot any discrepancies such as extra charges for difference processes like a deep cleaning or conditioning. Those extra services are usually already included in the total price given.
In the United States, you can find that over 30,000 professional carpet cleaners have a great reputation and will do a great job on your carpets but you also have to be aware that there are less than reputable people and companies who are looking to rip-off homeowners who simply want their carpets cleaned. Do your research before choosing a professional carpet cleaner and do not select one simply because they are the cheapest.
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