It is hard to find the right carpet cleaning solution for removing carpet odors. In fact, many people spend large amounts of money to get carpets and vehicles professionally cleaned when odors are too strong to eliminate themselves.

Many chemically based cleaning solutions simply mask bad smells but cannot remove them. Expensive cleaning machines may leave you with a damp carpet that takes hours to dry, rendering the area unusable. In addition, such dampness may lead to even worse odors, associated with mildew and mold. The good news is that there is, in fact, a way to remove odors from carpets, and it is completely eco-friendly.

Getting to the Source

To understand why a green carpet cleaning solution is so effective, it is important to understand how carpet cleaning chemicals are used. The odor from within carpets may often be deeply embedded within the carpet fibers. In many cases, carpet cleaning systems, like vacuum cleaners, may eliminate only the top surface of the stain, leaving the particles behind that may resurface and cause odors.

In some cases, the stain may harden and become difficult to dislodge. Many chemical cleaners usually just cover bad carpet odor with a strong chemical scent. However, this soon fades and the bad carpet odor returns. If the foul odor comes from mold or fungus, it may be even more difficult to remove as it can re-grow and spread to other areas of the carpet.

There is an eco-friendly carpet cleaning solution, which effectively removes odors because it attacks the odor right at the source. These carpet cleaners actually contain a special kind of technology that breaks down dirt and debris, right at the molecular level. These tiny particles are then encapsulated, enabling them to be removed completely and effectively with a carpet extractor. In this way, even the toughest stains and old deposits can be broken down and removed with relative ease.

The Right Machine

Apart from green cleaning products, an effective carpet cleaning solution also lies in using the right kind of cleaning machines. After all, pre-spraying the carpet with a green solution to crystallize dirt is only half the process. These crystallized residues must be extracted. However, if the carpet cleaners do not contain the power needed for cleaning deep stains, particles will remain behind, causing odors, mold, fungus, and bacteria.

When purchasing carpet extractor machines or rug carpet cleaners, it is worth looking into units that have a low water flow. These machines will rely more on extraction power to eliminate dirt and debris. In this way, the drying times for carpets can be reduced to just a few hours. This is an important point to consider when looking for a cleaning solution for carpets in commercial areas with high traffic.

The machines used in conjunction with carpet Cleaning Solutions also play a role in odor removal. For instance, hot water carpet cleaners are more efficient in cleaning sticky stains or deposits that may be old and hardened. A hot water carpet extractor used with the right eco-friendly cleaning chemical can go a long way in removing foul odors that are particularly stubborn. In addition, the quick drying times associated with heated, low-flow carpet extractors lead to no risk of mold or mildew growth, one of the leading causes of odors resulting when cleaning carpets improperly.

The bottom line is that you do not need to eliminate a perfectly good carpet just because it has a foul odor, nor do you have to spend hefty sums of money for professional services to continually maintain your business's carpets. By using the right cleaning chemicals with the right rug carpet cleaners, even the most stubborn odors can be removed.

Tag : carpet,carpet cleaning,carpet tools,carpet tiles

Learning about some basic things that you must avoid doing to prolong your carpet's life is essential. Specifically, through this article, you will know facts about carpet cleaning habits that you need to avoid. After you finish reading this article, you will know if you have been committing mistakes that you thought would have made things better for your carpet. Also, through this article, you will learn that the simple things that you miss out on doing can also affect your carpet's life.

The first important point that you need to know is about stains. You must not allow different stains to dry up on your carpet. If something spills on your carpet (like soup, ketchup or wine, for example), do not wait long but quickly clean it as soon as possible. When you wait for such stains to dry, you will have a harder time in cleaning them up. When something spills on your carpet, quickly get something to wipe the stain off then blot it out.

Utilize paper towels if you can. Paper towels are very effective but if you do not have them, you can opt for towels or pieces of cloth. The important thing is that you get something that sucks up liquid quickly. Utilize soaps that are less powerful such as liquid dishwashing soap and carpet shampoo. They are very effective in cleaning and they are also not harmful for carpet fibers.

Don't procrastinate is the second important factor that you need to know. For most busy people, procrastination has been a common thing when it comes to cleaning carpets. Some wait too long before they even vacuum their carpets - don't ever do this. Basically, carpets that are unclean attract bacteria and growth of fungi. This will affect your family from a health standpoint. Thus, vacuum your carpet as much as you can. Take your time when vacuuming your carpet. Be patient because when you rush things, chances are that you might miss out on some dirt. Another thing that you need to take note of is that even the carpets that are not frequently walked on must be vacuumed regularly. This will help you in prolonging your carpet's life. Vacuuming your carpets daily would be very effective.

Don't save money on the wrong aspects of carpet cleaning. While you think you can save money by simply cleaning your carpet alone, maybe you should try thinking about getting help from a carpet cleaning expert. When you consult with an expert, you will definitely eliminate the possibility of bacteria and fungi forming on your carpets. This can actually help you save more money because it can help you avoid going to the hospital due to ailments caused by having a dirty carpet. A Tampa carpet cleaning professional will prolong the life of your carpet and create a healthy environment.

Take note of these important don'ts for carpet cleaning. They will definitely help you prolong your carpet's life - and your health!

Tag : carpet,carpet cleaning,red carpet,discount carpet

In autumn, leaves do blow or cling soggily to feet. Carpet at entrances automatically brushes off shoes and prevents Ihe tracking of soil. The small area at the doorway will need more frequent attention, but the rest of the house will be spared.

After the children go back to school, but before it gets too cold, consider giving your carpels their periodic professional cleaning. You can tell if they ready for a clean by parting the pile and taking a close look. If a dirt line shows deeper thin the half-way mark, it is time. The whole object is to keep soil from working down to the base of the fibers.

If you choose to clean the carpet yourself, follow directions for each kind of fiber. There, are many handy products that tell exactly what to use for general cleaning as well as "accident" spots. Fast drying is a secret of success. Help it out with the blower attachment on the vacuum.

The easy, basic rules of carpet care hold all year long: a thorough vacuuming once a week, a touch- up in between with sweeper or vacuum and periodic cleaning. During the holidays, children of all ages sit on the floor—around the fireplace, tree or TV set, so be sure your carpets are clean.

Tag : carpet,carpet cleaning,carpet tiles,red carpet

Berber carpet - a cut above other carpets

Adam Peters

This article tells us about the origins of a carpet called "berber carpet." The paragraphs elucidate the advantages of the particular type. Pros and cons are weighed and at the end a clearer picture emerges about the berber carpet.

Have you ever heard of the Berber carpet, and do you where it originally comes from? A tribe in North Africa is known as the Berber tribe, the people of this tribe use handmade wool which is quite famous worldwide. The Berber carpet in vogue is made in accordance to the method employed by the tribe who use flecked bulky yarns to make exotic carpets. There are 10 reasons to prefer the Berber carpet over other carpets.

1. Exclusive

To easily recognize and identify the Berber carpet you would have to look for that distinct special looped flecked yarn which makes this carpet stylish and unique.

2. Loop Size - Choice

The Berber carpets are also unique for the reason that there are various choices from among level loop, multi level loops and loop and cut designs. They can be chosen from small tight loops to large knotty loops to cater for every room and decor according to the individuals taste.

3. Super Allergy Proof

In case of a history of allergy in the family or children, then a Berber carpet would fit the bill perfectly as they are capable of stopping bacteria growth, they are non allergic and are non toxic too.

4. Comfortable

The Berber carpet is made in such a way that they have numerous air pockets in them which in turn gives that wonderful cushiony feel when walked upon. They are also adept at maintaining the temperature of the room due to their insulating ability.

5. Tough

The Berber carpet is quite durable if you do not indulge in snagging as that may damage it. They definitely have the quality to really last long, the carpet does not show the post vacuum cleaning lines and footprints are not visible too. By and large they are the among the easiest carpets to clean while retaining the brand new look even after adding considerable time on it.

6. Easy on the Pocket

Berber carpets have another advantage of being affordable while being rich in appearance, color and style. It is quite ironical that pure wool carpets are cheaper, long lasting and stylish than olefin, nylon or any other man made fibers used for making the carpet which are expensive.

7. Various Colors

Berber carpets offer more to choose from among any other carpet. They are generally made when the appropriate pastel colors, dark colors and neutral or earthen color are varied and mixed. The result is that there are wide ranges to make a choice from. The major difference is the way the pile density and the kind of twisting the yarn are given.

8. To Camouflage the Sub Floor

When the requirement to redo the rugs on some of the older homes arises, it is better to invest on purchasing Berber carpets. These Berber carpets have the advantage without spending too much on the repair or renovation of the sub floor, but due to the thickness and density of the Berber carpet the irregularities of the sub floor can be well hidden.

9. Berber Carpets - Grades & Variety

Berber carpets are available from among a wide range. Carpets are priced from the lowest to the prices which sound astronomical. But, the price that is paid is without any hesitation the best when compared to the product.

10. Economical

The carpet when compared to other carpets is also easy to lay you can often install at less per square foot. Berber carpets have proved that they are easily least expensive and are also the most reasonable carpets to have installed. Knowing about cleaning carpets is very necessary.

Tag : carpet,berber carpet,carpet cleaning,discount carpet

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